Monday, June 24, 2013


It has been three weeks since my last post. Earlier this month I started struggling with motivation, focus on Shadow's Caress, and word counts. I was inspired to write a new story based in Baltimore at a museum to mimic the Baltimore Museum of Art, with a magical (paranormal?) guy and an art history graduate student. My husband convinced me that I should stop tracking daily words and instead just track daily effort (whether that be written words or progress/thinking about the novel). So I returned to occasionally writing for a few weeks. I have not made it to the daily writing but restored that energy level last week as I prepared a draft pitch for a MD RWA chapter meeting that I ended up not attending.

With the help of my FB writing group, they helped me draft up a pitch that has inspired me to tighten up and make the conflict more drastic for my hero and heroine. I am not entirely charged up over this and hoping to ride the motivation-coaster that is Camp NaNo next month. Of course, I'll still be aiming to write daily for the rest of June and just use their inspirational emails. I might create a spreadsheet so that I can track writing and not writing, but it will not record word count.

On that note: Happy Summer, my favorite season for daydreaming.

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