This month, I attempted to get a daily writing habit going. I hoped to leverage the energy from the April CampNaNo to keep my focus on a piece of fiction and carry it through to at least 20k words. It did not go so well, since my IT master's course demanded my attention (with a 15-20 pg paper, a final, and a group project). Now that class is completed and I feel like I have the whole world ahead of me.
I began work on a novel earlier this year, around January or February, which I continued to work with during the Gotham Romance class that I just finished. It's been through a number of iterations as I play with possible plotlines and character identities for my hero and heroine. I think I finally have a winner and plan to start writing in full force tomorrow, May 1.
My goal is to write daily, hopefully accomplishing a daily word count of about 1200 (at least 700), but I think I should be satisfied with daily attention given to the story. I have a rough outline for the events that should occur and somewhere between 2000 and 4000 words that are written for the beginning that can be worked with to fit this latest concept. I want to finish the rough draft before the UMUC Fall Semester starts so that I can get some practice at editing a novel.
Some options for this summer:
- Take the Gotham Advanced Romance course this summer.
- Sign up for the June CampNano.
I will look for an easy widget out there that could help to track my progress here this spring/summer.
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